Monday, August 29, 2011

Cook Out In Pilsen

You all know we love Pilsen. We have a few friends who live in our favourite neighbourhood and my girlfriend Zandra had us over for a little cook out. I love the term cook out. I'd never heard of it before till I met our book club buddies (who live next door to Zandra!) We saw our friends Tony and Brooke and their adorable baby Evangeline. Is't that an awesome name? It was so good to catch up with Zandra and we both had a lot of stories to catch up on. We had steak and Puerto Rican seasoned tilapia and lots of left overs for doggie bags.


Anonymous said...

Great posts, Candy! The house, yard, and neighborhood all look great. I'm jealous of that grocery store! I like your outfit in the Pilzen pic.

I posted anonymously and forgot to sign my name. It's me, Andy!

Candy Minx said...

hey andy! Thanks, we're trying here...getting stuff done. We just overhauled the basement yesterday and this morning. Im exhausted! we are super excited to hear about your upcoming adventures. We're so excited for you!

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