Thursday, July 10, 2008

Magic Wands

"Americans are concerned about high prices at the pump, and they're really concerned as they start making their travel plans, and I understand that. I wish I could just wave a magic wand and lower the price at the pump; I'd do that. That's not how it works." George Bush. May 16, 2005.

"I realize that gimmicks like the gas tax holiday and offshore drilling might poll well these days. But I’m not running for President to do what polls well, I’m running to do what’s right for America. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make gas prices go down, but I can’t. " Barack Obama June 24, 2008.


tweetey30 said...

But you know what is funny about Bush is that he owns a thing in the oil feild so of course he doesnt want the gas prices to go back down. He is making a killing with the gas prices being so damned high. Its ridiculous.

mister anchovy said...

The beautiful thing about magic is that it has no political stripe. You just have to believe in the impossible.

Candy Minx said...

Do you know how bummed I was when Jon Stewart showed two clips with them both saying the same phrase and attitude. ERG!!!! I bet now...Obama's script writers will have speeches in search engines to avoid this kind of crossover.

Polticians! ERG...

X. Dell said...

Sounds like the Dems and Repubs have mixed up their talking points.

Candy Minx said...

Yep. As I say, ERG.

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